
This is citizen-science project meant to help collate all of the information we have for St. John's NL sidewalk usage and pedestrians. All of the data is open, as is the source code. To view the source code visit the repositories on Github. The data comes from a number of places:

The data contained in the stories and the obstructions maps are generated by users on this site. They're stored in mysql database.


This site is open-access, and stores its data in googlespreadsheets. There's no means of protecting your identity, so any data you add will be viewable by others. By using this site, you agree to have the contents published and made available to others using open access means and technologies. Reuse is by design, and will be permitted. All precautions should be taken to anonymize your data - by using an alias or your first name, and by leaving out identifying information such as phone numbers, your home address, email addresses etc.