Tales of incidents, accidents, and hazardous walking in St. John's, NL
Reported Collisions

Disclaimer: Before you add a story

This site is open-access, and stores its data in googlespreadsheets. There's no means of protecting your identity, so any data you add will be viewable by others. By using this site, you agree to have the contents published and made available to others using open access means and technologies. Reuse is by design, and will be permitted. All precautions should be taken to anonymize your data - by using an alias or your first name, and by leaving out identifying information such as phone numbers, your home address, email addresses etc.

Add as much detail as you can. If you're uncomfortable leaving your name, simply use an alias like 'pedestrian','anonymous','someone who walks to work', etc.

For more information on how the data is collected, and who can see what, see the About page.

Your name, first name, or an alias you're comfortable with being seen by the public

What were you doing while walking?

Where were you walking? Click to drop a pin - to edit drop a new pin for this story

Sidewalk Stories

Write out your story. HTML tags will be retained: <p><br>. Links, and other tags, will be removed. No photos can be added here. But you can provide a link below, if you wish.

If you know the exact date and time, you can provide it here. You can also just provide the year, if you wish.

If you can't recall the exact date or time, indicate a time of year and day

What was the condition of the sidewalk? Click all that apply

What was the weather like? Click all that apply

Was a vehicle involved in your story? Click all that apply

Where does this story come from? Please indicate whether it's your's, or from somewhere else

If this story is mentioned in a news article, or somewhere online, and is publicly accessible, please provide the links. To add multiple links, put a pipe character | in between each URL / web address.

What kind of impact did this story have on your life? Were you injured, or otherwise?

We have users for the data, but if you want to edit this story later on, add a key phrase - it's like a password - to allow you access.

About this page

The data on this page is meant to help foster discussion about what we can do to make sidewalks safer for pedestrians. Contributors can tell their stories, and locate where something happened on a map. Hopefully, over time, there will be an account of where and what is wrong with our sidewalk safety in St. John's, NL.

How to use this page

To add a story, click 'add a story', and fill out the form. You need to tell us who you are, and a bit about the story - the rest is up to you. No photos can be added here, but you can link the story to another site, like Facebook or a news site, if you wish. This will add data to a googlespreadsheet, and will reload the map showing your point. When you're done, click 'save' at the bottom of the page.

About the Collision Data

For a full explanation of the collision data, see The initial data was compiled by the Road Network Management Group, Newfoundland and Labrador Statistics Agency from the Collision Database Management System (CDMS), Government of Newfoundland and Labrador from RNC Police Reports for 2016 and 2017, and analyzed by Dr. Daniel Fuller of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. There are notable issues with how the RNC documents collisions or crashes involving pedestrians. As indicated, "There are a number of columns that including information about pedestrians. Unfortunately, that information is also often combined with NA (Not Applicable) in the same cell. It can be hard to tell an pedestrian from an NA."